
Automatic machines, robotic systems and services for automating the cabling process

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Optimizes processes in the production of electrical cabinets and panels. Thanks to advanced robotics, vision systems and precision mechanics.

Macchina automatica per cablaggio fili elettrici Kablator
Macchina cablaggio automatizzato Kablator

Discover the benefits

This innovation automates the entire production process, moving the stage to Industry 4.0 standards.

Optimising resources and increasing production capacity

The use of our machines makes it possible to cut time schedules, save resources, schedule just-in-time production and reduce labour in favour of higher productivity.

Raising the value of human capital

Thanks to the automation of industrial processes, employees will have more relevant roles within the company, leaving the most dangerous, repetitive and alienating roles to the machines.

Competitiveness in the industry

The increase in productivity due to the use of autonomous machines with innovative state-of-the-art technology allows the company to gain competitiveness in the market.


Product sustainability and minimal environmental impact thanks to laser marking of the wire that avoids the use of solvents and inks.

Ease of use

Thanks to the intuitive man/machine interface, productivity monitoring app and staff training.
Kablator macchine automatiche per il cablaggio di quadri elettrici

Discover the Kablator automated wire harness ecosystem

Proiettore Laser per posizionamento con computer vision Kablator

Artificial vision system with laser projection that allows the exact position of cables and components directly on the panel and the construction sequence to facilitate the cabler’s work.

Servizio di digitalizzazione di schemi elettrici kablator

Digitisation of on-demand wiring diagrams. We create digital data sets that can be easily transferred without being transcribed. Layout also in 3D

Macchina per il cablaggio - preparazione fili elettrici MWC-40 Kablator

Semi-automatic machine that allows 40% automation of the cabling process, automating the entire wire preparation process.

MPC-80 macchina per il cablaggio automatizzato - Kablator

Automatic cabling machine that allows 80% automation of the cabling process because it also automates the processing and laying, on a plate, of the electrical wire.

Discover all the automated cabling products for the preparation of pneumatic tubes

TMC-60 pneumatica
Case study

Find out how Kablator’s technology can be used

Discover case studies and success stories from our customers. How Kablator technology has improved the production processes of companies that have invested in the future of industry.
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